
Cute Short Haircut Ideas for Women

Published in Living Together & Marriage

short haircut for women

Most girls these days preferring short haircuts than going with long haircuts there are so many reasons behind it. It may be many reasons but before having any of the haircuts you have to get to know whether it suits your look or not to make the right decision. When you have decided to get…

Is it OK if your daughter makes a Pixie Cut?

Published in Children & Teens

The modern generation is much modernized and helps you to look better by merely enhancing your look. People in the modern world are more influenced by being perfect within than just reflecting an orthodox point of view. Well, its 21st century, but still there some people are limited within boundaries of their thought process. It…

Prepare your child to moving to another school

Published in Children & Teens

Changing schools is never easy on your children. Unlike adults, they feel even the slightest of changes in surrounding environment. Imagine you are moving to another school, possibly in another city or state. What can possibly go wrong!? Let’s picture that transition from a child’s point of view The effects of changing schools catch with…

Parenting advice from teenagers

Published in Children & Teens

Parenting advice from teenagers is worth in gold. Obviously, they are end customers who might know a thing or two about what they want. That might have sounded a bit commercial. However, these kickass parenting advices from teenagers work like charm. Some of these advices are on-your-face type tips. The rest few are really deep…

What to do if a child has no friends at school?

Published in Children & Teens

child has no friends at school

Having no friends at school is a struggle. ‘No friends’ would mean non-existent social life. All parents want to see their children cheerful at school premises and outside. Constant social engagement and peer-to-peer interaction is essential to character building, especially during childhood. Nevertheless, when your child has no friends, it’s an issue that can be…

Pros and Cons of Living Together

Published in Living Together & Marriage

advantages of living together

Before entering wedlock, couples consider mutual interests, chemistry, love and even alimony. It’s not an easy decision to make. That’s exactly few people choose to live together before marriage. However, cohabitation before marriage is a two edged sword. It has its own set of pros and cons. You need to weigh in both prior to…

Sacrifices in Marriage

Published in Living Together & Marriage

sacrifices in marriage

Making sacrifices for love is an inevitable part of relationships. Almost everyone who has been in a relationship before have such a ‘been there done that’ moment. Most people are fine going through such a phase once or twice in their lives. They often forget how worthy is a sacrifice in marriage. You got to…